Subscriber lists can be removed from your account with a few clicks. Removing a list will not affect campaign reports for emails that were sent to the list, but there are some other important things to consider before deleting.
What happens when a list is deleted
Prior to confirming that you want to permanently delete a list, the system will notify you of:
- Hosted subscribe forms or subscribe buttons linked to the list.
- Scheduled or recurring campaigns using the list.
- Automated journeys attached to the list.
IMPORTANT: There may be other subscribe forms hosted outside of this service that we cannot warn you about. For example, subscribe forms hosted on your business website, blogs, and other online channels.
Deleting subscriber lists
Open Manage Subscribers to view your lists, then hover your cursor over the subscriber list you want to delete. Click the trash can icon that appears on your right, as shown here:
You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the list. Please keep in mind that this cannot be undone.