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Subscriber statuses explained

Every email address added to a list in your account has a subscriber status, for example "active" or "unconfirmed." There are five status types in total. On this page we'll explain what each one means.

When you open a list, from the Manage Subscribers section of your account, the subscriber status types are displayed as tabs across the page:

If a status tab has a subscriber count you can click it to view only those subscribers. To download a list of subscribers with a specific status, click export then select the status type.

Subscriber status definitions

Your list may not have subscribers in every status category, but here is what each one means:


Emails sent to a subscriber list are only sent to active subscribers on the list. These are also the only email addresses that count toward your subscriber total for billing purposes.

If you have more than one list your subscriber total for billing purposes is the total number of active subscribers on all lists. Open Manage Subscribers to see the total, displayed below your lists.


This status applies to people who subscribed to a confirmed opt-in list but have not clicked the link in the verification email sent to them.


They have either opted out via an unsubscribe link, or form, or their status has been changed to unsubscribed through your account.


These are email addresses that have hard bounced, meaning we cannot deliver emails to them. We remove hard bounces from your list so you don't pay to send to them again, and also add them to your suppression list to prevent them from being accidentally re-imported.


You will only see subscribers with this status if they have been manually deleted from the list through your account.

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