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How do I add subscribers to a list?

After you have created a subscriber list, you can add people to it by importing a file or manually entering their details. On this page we'll show you how to add email addresses and other details manually.

Manually adding subscribers to a list

Follow the steps below to manually add subscriber details to a list.

NOTE: Subscribers imported manually will not be emailed any confirmation that they were added, so you can safely import subscribers who have already opted in from a different system.

  1. Open Managae Subscribers.
  2. Click on your subscriber list name to open the list details page, then click Add new subscribers in the right sidebar.
  3. Type or copy-and-paste the subscriber details into the text box, one subscriber per line. You can add email addresses only or include extra details separated by a comma, as shown here:

  4. Click Import these subscribers.
  5. Match the subscriber details with your subscriber list fields and, if necessary, create new custom fields during the process, as shown here:

  6. Click Finish adding subscribers to complete the import.

When the import is complete you'll see a file import report to notify you of things like invalid or duplicate email addresses, if there were any.

Subscribers added for specific campaigns

Subscribers can also be added manually when you're prompted to select a list to send a campaign to. Instead of choosing an existing list, click Import new as shown below, and type or copy-and-paste in the recipient details.

When subscribers are added this way a new subscriber list is created automatically. The campaign name is used in the list title so you can identify it later:

TIP: To reduce duplication, and for the most effective reporting, it's worthwhile tidying up automatically generated lists after the campaign has been sent.

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