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Social Share Settings

Shared Link

By default, the widget’s built-in share buttons will share your campaign’s Hosted Campaign Page (read more here). You can enter any link in this field that you would like your advocates to share to social media. This should ideally be the link to the page where you have embedded this campaign’s widget.


Twitter Share Text & Mention Tag

Use this text block to pre-fill the Tweet your advocates will share to their Twitter account. This is separate from the Twitter Action Content, and will not auto-target an advocate’s legislator. Instead, use this as a normal social share such as “Take action on this campaign now!”

You do not need to provide the link in this text, as it is auto-populated from the Shared Link above.

You can also add a Twitter Mention Tag to your Tweet, which will add a “via @[YourTwitterHandle]” to the end of your Tweet. Please do not include "via @", only include your Twitter handle without the "@" symbol - the rest is added for you.

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