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Colors & Font

The “Apply Settings To:” Option

Use this dropdown to determine whether the Color and Font settings should apply to “This Campaign” or “All Campaigns”

This Campaign: as the name suggests, this will apply your Color and Font settings to only this specific campaign. This is best utilized when your widget should be branded differently than your other campaign widgets.

All Campaigns: think of this option as your account default - any changes you make to your Color and Font settings with this option selected will be applied to any other campaign that also has this option selected. This is the best way to keep a consistent look to all of your widgets, and maintain those settings across your campaigns.


Selecting Colors

Your campaign’s widget can be customized with a Background Color, a Font Color, and a Button Color. To change your color, either use the provided color selector or type in a valid Hex Color Code to the box provided.


Choosing a Font Family

Your campaign’s widget can also be customized with a Font Family - choose from our 30 provided fonts to match your branding as close as possible.

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