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Welcome to the One Click Politics Help Center!
How do I contact support?
Where do you get your data?
When do you update your data?
Can I get a copy of every email?
Dashboard and Deliveries
How do deliveries work?
How do I retire a message?
How do I view received messages?
How do I get the records of who sent messages?
Account Questions
How do I access the One Click Politics API?
How do I get a copy of my invoice/receipt?
Creating & Editing Campaigns
Campaign Content & Settings
Campaign Content
Form Settings
Delivery Settings
Social Share Settings
Customizing Your Widgets
Colors & Font
Custom Fields
Selecting Targets
Creating Custom Targets
Choosing Effective Targets
Embedding Your Widgets
Embed a Message Widget on your website
Email Blasts
OneClick Signature Links
Linking directly to a widget form
Linking to your embedded actions
Create & Send
How do I personalize a campaign?
Custom template content editor
Using the Email Builder
Campaign types and formats
Dynamic content in the email builder
How do I use dynamic content tags?
See all 8 articles
Manage Subscribers
How do I create a subscriber list?
How do I add subscribers to a list?
How do I import subscribers from a file?
Single versus confirmed opt-in lists
Subscriber statuses explained
How do I create and use custom fields?
See all 15 articles
Email Blast Deliverability
What is a spam complaint?
"From" name and email recommendations
Should I remove inactive subs?
Why are addresses required?
Compare your campaign reports
Terms: Opens, clicked, bounced
All about email open rates
Campaign reporting for bounced emails
Types of Bounces Explained
When do bounces show in reports?
How do I sync with NeonCRM?
Testing your NeonCRM Sync
Create Your Account Custom Field
NeonCRM Automatic Sync Schedule
How do I sync with NationBuilder?
What fields are synced to NationBuilder?
Can I add custom tags?